What If S2E9 Strange Supreme Intervened Recap

What If S2E9 Strange Supreme Intervened Recap

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What If S2E9 Strange Supreme Intervened Recap

In Episode 9 of What If…?, titled “What If… Strange Supreme Intervened?” we’re plunged into a mind-bending alternate reality that’ll keep you on the edge of your seat. Here’s a recap of this spellbinding episode. Benedict Cumberbatch lends his voice to Strange Supreme as he seeks help from Captain Peggy Carter to contain a threat to the Multiverse. But Peggy soon realizes that something is amiss. Strange’s relentless pursuit to revive his lost love, Christine Palmer, has driven him to extreme measures. Despite the ruins of his universe caused by his past actions, he’s willing to sacrifice more to bring Christine back

Peggy and Kahhori, a new character, confront Strange Supreme, who wields the weapons of his sacrifices, including Hela’s crown, Gungnir, Mjolnir, and the Ten Rings. Strange’s motives are a tangled mix of regret, isolation, and demonic influence from the beings he consumed for power. Peggy, donning the Infinity Armor, engages in a fierce battle with Strange Supreme, their clash echoing across realities. Despite Strange’s boasts of defeating the armor before, Peggy counters, “Once before, I wasn’t in it.” The episode showcases a roster of heroes and villains from various episodes, amplifying the epic showdown.

As Peggy fights, a grief demon escapes, threatening everything. She plunges into the pit containing the Forge. Human Strange intervenes, allowing Peggy to grasp a ledge. But Strange Supreme falls into the Forge, triggering a cataclysmic explosion.
Jeffrey Wright voices the Watcher, who guides Peggy back to her home universe through an unconventional route. Strange Supreme’s tragic tale of love, loss, and cosmic consequences leaves viewers contemplating the limits of power and sacrifice.

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