The Crown S6E5 Willsmania Episode Overview

The Crown S6E5 Willsmania Episode Overview

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The Crown S6E5 Willsmania Episode Overview

Delving into The Crown Season 6 Episode 5, “Willsmania,” the spotlight shifts to the compelling narrative of Prince William (Ed McVey). Following the tragic loss of Princess Diana, William returns to Eton, greeted by an overwhelming influx of fan mail from both fellow Etonians and enamored teenage girls. The grieving prince navigates the tumultuous waters of his emotions in ways characteristic of a ’90s teenager – finding solace in Swedish pop groups on his Walkman while brushing off his father’s attempt to introduce him to a healthy breakfast with nonchalance.

Prince Charles (Dominic West) observes his son’s struggle with concern, as William, shrouded in sullen silence, remains uncommunicative. Complicating matters, William’s presence in the public eye intensifies, with fans mobbing him, evoking haunting echoes of his late mother, Diana. The inherent challenge of royal life becomes glaring as even in moments of personal grief, the obligation to be poised for a photo op persists.

A poignant family photograph, taken in celebration of his grandparents’ golden anniversary, captures a moment of vulnerability for William. Princess Margaret (Lesley Manville), in a somewhat ironic twist, urges him to “keep smiling.” The irony lies in Margaret’s struggles, having faced the pressures of conforming to the royal mold without the freedom to deviate. In passing on this expectation to future generations, Margaret inadvertently imparts the weight of royal expectations and trauma.

The episode skillfully explores the complexities of William’s emotional journey, balancing personal grief with the public demands inherent in his royal role. The intergenerational transmission of expectations within the royal family unfolds as a nuanced exploration, shedding light on the challenges faced by individuals within the monarchy.

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