The Brothers Sun S1E3 Whatever You Want

The Brothers Sun S1E3 Whatever You Want (Recap)

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The Brothers Sun S1E3 Whatever You Want

In episode 3, Charles receives a call from one of his father’s most trusted men, who informs him that it’s not just Father Sun who’s in danger but also many other members of the Jade Dragon Society. The associate also updates Charles about his father’s condition, stating that there’s been no improvement; he’s still unconscious but expected to recover. Charles requests the associate send Bloodboot and the rest of his crew to handle the bodies in Los Angeles. Moreover, Charles also asks the associate to arrange a face-to-face meeting with Sleepy Chan to discuss peace terms. Charles believes that an agreement would be mutually beneficial but warns that if Sleepy Chan refuses, he will resort to the only language he knows: violence.

During lunch with Alexis, Charles is interrupted by a call from his mother, who reveals that Bruce has not been answering her calls and texts. The duo rushes to his college and, after meeting Bruce’s classmate, Grace, learns that a woman with dark hair and a peculiar tattoo has kidnapped Bruce. Mother Sun’s expression suggests that she knows who Grace is talking about. Meanwhile, June explains to Bruce and TK that she’s not doing it for money or fun but to get back at them for her sister May’s death. The sisters were orphans and had to take care of themselves since they were ten. June feels guilty for not being with her sister on the day of the shooting and blames herself for not protecting her. Finally, Bruce breaks and tells June where to find his brother, Charles, but the address he gives leads her to a Chick-fil-A.

Mother Sun brings Charles to her mahjong club, described by her as a complex network of spies, where most of the time, they have all the right answers. Charles initially sees it as a waste of time, doubting that these elderly women can help find Bruce’s kidnapper. However, he’s proven wrong when a club member tells them about Tony Tang, an old man supplying drugs to the White Crane Gang. Interestingly, Tony Tang also happens to own the number 1 seafood restaurant in Alhambra, and the woman wasn’t boasting—it’s the hotel’s name. Charles beats up Tang’s guys and gets the address of the White Cranes’ secret warehouse, where June was keeping Bruce. Charles arrives at the warehouse, and as they are ready to exchange blows, Bruce jumps in between and convinces June that they’re not May’s killers, but it’s Sleepy Chan.

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