Scott Pilgrim Takes Off S1E4 Whatever Recap

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off S1E4 Whatever Recap

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Scott Pilgrim Takes Off S1E4 Whatever Recap

They’re making this biography called “Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Life,” supposedly written by Young Neil, but he swears he doesn’t remember writing it. And get this, they cast Lucas Lee, Ramona’s ex, as Scott. Lucas isn’t happy with how the movie shows Ramona as this sweet person. He figures she’ll just dump Scott once they deal with all the Evil Exes like she did with her past partners. So, after his agent dumps him, Lucas starts talking to the audience, comparing himself to a canceled TV show and wondering if there’s a word for his situation.

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost voice the security guards at Torontowood, while Lucas steals the show with his skateboarding tricks, studio work, and messy history with Ramona. Lucas risks his career by dating a high-schooler, causing a media frenzy even though it’s ironic because Knives Chau’s actress is older than him. Ramona stuffs Lucas into her bag to hide him from the paparazzi, and it’s pretty hilarious seeing his head poking out. One moment Lucas is all sweet with Ramona, and the next, he’s being a jerk, pushing a kid off his skateboard and stealing it.

It gets even funnier when Lucas gets cast as Scott Pilgrim, even though they look nothing alike. It’s a mismatch made for laughs. Lucas takes on a bunch of paparazzi armed only with his skateboard, showing off his skills big time. Lucas and Gideon Graves duke it out to be top dogs in the League of Evil Exes, making tensions sky-high.

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